“We’ll issue you payment, plus a detailed accounting, within 5 days of the sale. ”
Organizing and staging your items
We've got 30 years of experience in the retail industry, and we'll put that expertise to work for you. We'll merchandise and present the items for maximum visual appeal, making your estate sale feel special and elevated. This is one of the things that separate us from our competition. You'll notice the difference in the proceeds.
Advertising the sale
We know how important it is to get the word out. We'll promote your sale on our own website and on the popular estate sale listing sites. We'll send an email announcement to our loyal followers. We'll also place custom-made signs in high-traffic locations throughout the sale area.
During the sale
Our professional marketing/signage package directs shoppers easily throughout the home, while our team is on hand to offer exceptional customer service. Knowing that a slow checkout line is a frustration, we'll move the line along quickly using the most up to date technology.
After the sale
If there are unsold items at the end of the sale, we can donate them to charity on your behalf or return them to you. Either way, we will leave the property exactly as we found it.
Settling your account
Our state-of-the-art POS and inventory software allows us to issue payment, along with a detailed sales report, within 5 days of the close of your estate sale.